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The Preferences-Window lets you specify most of the program-settings
and handle different settings for different purpose. All modified
settings are active immediately - there are no "Use"- or "Cancel"-


ScreenType         choose the type of the Wildfire-screen
Screenmode         choose the screenmode
DisplayScreenmode  choose the screenmode for displayed images
ScreenFont         select the font for the Wildfire screen
IconManagerFont    select the font for the Icon Manager
ScreenColors       select the colors for the wildfire screen
Preset             some color-presets. "WF (modern)" is the default
Import             load colors
Export             save colors
PlayerScreen       name of the public screen for the YAFA-Player
DClickTime         time for a double click
Statistics         turn on/off the generation of Player- and
Expertmode         turn on/off safety-requesters
BrutalBlit         faster blitting
OpenDWA            open the  DWA-Window  at startup
Paths              open the Paths-Window
Macros             open the Macros-Window
File               the filename of the current Preferences-file
Save               save the current settings
Load               load the specified settings


From within this window the default paths for animations, pictures, ...
and the external programs are specified.

YAFA Player          player for YAFA-animations (default: "yp")
Anim Player          player for ANIM-animations (default: "vt")
MPEG-Player          player for MPEG-anims      (default: "mp")
ImageProcessor       external image-processor   (default: "ADPro mm=1000000")
Viewer               image-displaying program   (default: "visage")
Editor               text-editor                (default: "ed")

The "ImageProcessor"-setting is only used by the "ARexx"-Operator-PlugIn.


In this window the ARexx-macros executed after pressing on
of the function-keys can be specified. Because there are only
10 function keys and maybe lots of macros the <F10>-key
is reserved. After pressing it a filerequester appears
and lets you select the macro to execute.